Case No: 3805.
Date: 2/14/2021
Reporting Officer: Amanda Ripley
Incident: Animal Attack
Detail of Event:
After a frantic 911 call placed by one of the victims prior to their deaths, Officer Ripley arrived on the scene to find
two City High students mutilated and half eaten. The victims, homecoming queen Karen Ann and star quarterback
Jeremiah Williams were found in the Carpenter Hill area. Blood and entrails covered the white convertible.
Action Taken:
Officer Ripley has reason to believe that the pet and animal killings that have plagued our city since 2013 have escalated, leading to these tragic deaths. Based on DNA samples, the same animal responsible for the former killings, is believed to be responsible for these new attacks on humans. Accordingly I am recommending that additional resources be deployed.

From Amanda’s Personal Journal:
Just when I thought the beast couldn’t be any more dangerous, it kills two teenagers on Valentine’s Day. I’ve gotten used to seeing bodies at crime scenes. But not the mangled bodies of children. The usual bodies I see are of adults. No matter the shape of the bodies, I can take it.
But not when the victims are children. I was a mess at the crime scene. I tried my best to keep it professional and keep my composure. But it was difficult. This time the monster attacked two high school students. It’s as if with each attack it becomes more powerful. No one has yet to see it. It’s like a ghost. I’m losing faith that the combined might of animal patrol and the CPD can stop this overwhelming force. Most animals have hunting patterns. But not this one. It preys on citizens all over the city. It’s attacked all 4 boroughs. There is no quarter. This crime scene broke me. The joy of youth and innocence should never be intruded upon. I gave birth to a child a little over a year ago. I can’t imagine having to identify what remains of my little girl’s mutilated body at the morgue.
This scene was unlike the others. There was a nastiness to it that
the others lacked. I understand that these are animal attacks. But the viciousness with which the students were slaughtered was on another level. This monster is growing bolder by the day.
We must stop it. I can’t stop thinking about the way the entrails of the students were strewn all over. If I do one thing in my career as a cop to make a difference. I want that one thing to be eradicating the monster that haunts our city. We’ll never be free until its dead.